Monday, February 22, 2016

works cited

Works Cited
"American Experience: TV's Most-watched History Series." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2016. <>.
""Coup D'Etat" A Political Cartoon about the Panama Canal." Group 4s US Foreign Relations Blog. N.p., 12 Sept. 2013. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. <>.
"The Emergence of America as a World Power | APUSH with Turner." APUSH with Turner. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2016. <>.
"Mr.bensonQutr3ProjectByAdamParkinson." Mr.bensonQutr3ProjectByAdamParkinson. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2016. <>.
"President James Monroe." : Monroe Doctrine. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2016. <>.
"Today in Social Sciences..." : March 2012. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2016. <>.

"Alaska and Hawaii Join the USA." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016. <>.

purchase of alaska

This cartoon is about the purchase of Alaska. The soldier represents Russia and the man the soldier is "talking" to is William Seward or who could represent America. So this picture shows Russia offering Alaska to America. Another person might believe that Alaska was a was a waste of money. Seward is holding two boats in his hands which could represent him sold on the idea that Alaska was going to be a good plus for the United States.

Spanish- american war

This Cartoon depicts Uncle Sam taking the Spanish bull by the horns.  The idiom means to get the job done, and in the Spanish-American War Cuba revolted against Spain because of the poor economic conditions.  In return, Spain forced Cubans into their homes and placed them in camps guarded by Spanish troops.
McKinley was forced by public opinion to halt Spain’s harsh treatments on Cuba, this is where the idiom “take the bull by the horns” comes in because President McKinley needed to take care of the situation and get the job done.  The bull in the cartoon symbolizes Spain in this situation and also is labeled Spain

Monroe doctrine

The Monroe Doctrine stated that efforts by the European nations to colonize land in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring US intervention.  This cartoon portrays that aggression.  The two men to the left of the “Monroe Doctrine” represent countries trying to colonize territories in South America and the United States.  The cartoonist utilized labeling in the cartoon, the glass is labeled as the “Monroe Doctrine”.

open door policy

This cartoon is about how other countries wanted to open their trade with China once China opened up its doors.  The policy states that no single country should have a monopoly on the trade with China. The cartoonist portrays this trade with China as competitive and like a game of tug-o-war against the other countries.  The cartoonist uses labeling for the flag saying that this cartoon is about the open door policy.  There is also symbolism with the rope, it symbolizes the trade supremacy and with the people symbolizing countries. Other people may think that the countries closer to China’s open doors are the ones who were allowed to trade with China.

open door policy

This cartoon is about how other countries wanted to open their trade with China once China opened up its doors.  The policy states that no single country should have a monopoly on the trade with China. The cartoonist portrays this trade with China as competitive and like a game of tug-o-war against the other countries.  The cartoonist uses labeling for the flag saying that this cartoon is about the open door policy.  There is also symbolism with the rope, it symbolizes the trade supremacy and with the people symbolizing countries. Other people may think that the countries closer to China’s open doors are the ones who were allowed to trade with China

annexation of hawaii

This cartoon is about the annexation of Hawaii and how the American missionaries came to Hawaii to spread their Christion faith.  Some of the missionaries started their own sugar plantations while they were in Hawaii. Later, wealthy American planters dominated Hawaii’s economy.  Queen Liliuokalani soon became the leader of Hawaii.  The queen believed that American planters had too much of an influence and limited their power.  The cartoonist’s message on the topic is that he or she thought that the revolt was a good decision. Other people may think that the planters should have let the queen have her way. The cartoonist used exaggeration in the queen because she is wearing a huge crown.  The labeling on the barrel “Sugar!!” and symbolism because the US and Hawaii are on a see-saw over sugar.

Panama Canal

This Cartoon depicts President Roosevelt using a battle ship and “his” doctrine in order to help the Panamanian people. Based on the shovel he holds and the amount of knives in hand, it could be inferred that by the plank entitled “The Roosevelt Doctrine” that Roosevelt will use the terms listed under the Monroe Doctrine and corollary to achieve his feat. The big warship is a symbol of his “Big Stick” diplomacy, which he emphasized the threat of the military in order to get what the US wants so in this case the warship shows America threatening the Colombians to grant Panama their Independence.  In return, Panama will give the US the Panama Canal. The elephant on the front of the ship shows the political party that Roosevelt represents and in whom the political interest of Panama lies.

Purchase of Alaska

This cartoon is about the purchase of Alaska. The Cartoonist was against the purchasing of Alaska because he or she thought that Alaska was worthless/useless and a block of ice. Another person could think that Alaska was a waste of money. The Cartoonist used symbolism and labeling to get his point across.  The symbolism used was the block of ice because he or she believed Alaska was just a piece of frozen land also referred to as the “seawards ice box”  There is labeling on the block of ice so that people know that it is Alaska and on the wheelbarrow saying that represents the treaty.